Concrete Staining Checklist

Materials, Tools, & Supplies Needed
when Staining Concrete
Supplies Needed to Protect walls, doors, etc.
- Tape and Plastic. ( We recommend the kind that has the painters tape already attached to the plastic, which is folded to about 4" wide. The plastic is about 24" tall when unfolded upward after applying the tape at the bottom.)
Supplies Needed to Protect Yourself.
- Protective wear for yourself, including proper clothing, shoes, masks, goggles, gloves, and respiratory protection as needed. (NIOSH/MSHATC23Cor equivalent if needed.)
- Common sense and a safe and unhurried attitude.
- Tape Measure.
- Pencil.
- Chalk line w/ blue chalk.
- Extension Cord.
- 4 1/2" grinder or Skill saw w/ diamond blade.
- Straight edge to keep the saw or grinder straight.
- *Square.
- *Water Hose.
- *T.S.P.(Soap)
- *Xylene, Citrus cleaners, strippers, mastic removers, degreaser. ( Depending on extent of cleaning needed.)
- Rags.
- Soft Bristle Push Broom, Mop, Bucket, and/or Wet Vacuum.
- *Scrub brushes.
- *Scrapers.
- *Knee pads.
- *Sander, if the surface needs it.
- *Concrete Patch material if needed.
- *Concrete Trowel and rubbing stone if patching.
- Small 1 gallon all plastic pump up sprayer.
- Brush w/ handle. ( Soft bristle like the one's at the car wash.)
- *Paint brush maybe.
- *Bucket or empty plastic ice cream bucket.
- Rags or old towels for the entry/exit point. ( To keep from tracking dirt in or stain out.)
- *Caution tape or warning signs to keep off.
- Brooms, Mops, and Buckets for cleaning residue.
- *Ammonia to neutralize the stain. Mix 6 to 8 ounces per gallon of water. ( Or you can use T.S.P. and water.)
- Roller cage w/ handle and covers. (Paint Rollers)
- Adequate Ventilation.
- *Electric drill w/ paint stir rod. ( If using grip additive)
- *Paint pan.
- Lambswool applicator (Recommended), or synthetic wax applicator, w/ handle.
- Paint pan.
Supplies and Tools Needed to Score.( You could use a helper or two here.)
Supplies and Tools Needed to Clean and Prep:
Supplies and Tools Needed to Apply the Stain:
Supplies and Tools Needed to Apply the Sealer.
Supplies and Tools Needed to Wax:
- Protective wear for yourself, including proper clothing, shoes, masks, goggles, gloves, and respiratory protection as needed. (NIOSH/MSHATC23Cor equivalent if needed.)